Thursday, September 25, 2008

The season you fought for all summer...

Fall is here! I have unpacked my bat hat! And the dining room is haunted by cheesecloth ghosts!

I had an autumn poem stuck in the back my head, which was giving me a nice autumn-y feeling, until I realized it was this one by good old Robert Frost:

nature's first green is gold/
her hardest hue to hold/
her early leaf's a flower/
but only so an hour/
then leaf subsides to leaf/
so Eden sank to grief/
so dawn goes down each day/
nothing gold can stay

Not very uplifting. Except that maybe it is. I love the dying stuff of fall. Dan's not buying it, though. He says Spring is where it's at, and I say that's too easy. Anyone can love Spring. If Spring were a person, it would be on the baseball team. Fall would read a lot.


Steven said...

You wrote that in my yearbook.

Cara Blouin said...

That poem? Really?

Steven said...

Yes indeed. I just dug it up because it's part of an entire page. I shall transcribe it for you:


I am finally signing your grade 11 yearbook, and you're standing here watching me. I'm trying to get into a grade 11 frame of mind so that this will be artificially symptomatic. Begin at the beginning. I met you studying for finals and you were a jerk and mocked me, but things always work themselves out and the like and, by some list of events that have rolled to the back of the broken kaleidoscope that is my mind, we are friends now. You probably remember every waking moment complete with colour shades and phone numbers. This is the place to have memories. But that would just be for the sake of tradition because I could say, "Hey Steven, do you remember", but it's obvious that you do. So that would be stupid. So I'll have to break tradition. Here's a poem by Robert Frost...

'Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down each day
Nothing gold can stay'

"And I think that pretty much sums it up. Grade 11 was THE BEST! And I know you'll never forget it.

Je t'aime toujours
et cetera

Cara Blouin said...

Wow. That is hard to read. But I do aime you toujours, so at least that came true.